Is Spending Money on the Higher Grade of Paint Worth It?

Last updated: March 19, 2014

Soft gray and white toned furnished living room with a large bay window and plant sitting on the sill

The paint options available in the market are numerous and prices can range from very low to very high. Most of our customers always want to know the difference between choosing a higher grade over a lower, less expensive grade. Our response is usually, you get what you pay for. With this being said, it is always important to determine the purpose for painting before deciding on which paint is right for you.

If you are looking at painting prior to selling your home, choosing a more economical paint is likely the best choice. However, if you are looking at painting your home to freshen it up, choosing a higher grade of paint is best as the paint will last longer and be more durable.

High-grade paint is also easier to apply, contains better pigments/binders and can also reduce the cost of your overall project as it provides better coverage and which can reduce the amount of paint needed. High grade paint is also more durable and can often be washed or scrubbed without ruining the paint finish.